
The association Spin System has been formed in Brussels in January 2017 to develop a permanent collaborative platform addressed to, and composed by:

  • researchers,
  • private companies (particularly SMEs),
  • universities and research centres,
  • non-profit organisations.

The target members operate in the field of European research and innovation policies and projects in strategic and interlink policy areas.

The association aims at promoting and enhancing the collaborative research on innovative solutions and processes among its members, in order to make the most of the opportunities offered by the Single Market’s unexpressed potential and the European research funding opportunities.


An original context: where new values are co-created interactively at the level of collaborative network

A trigger: to develop strategies for the sustainability of innovation ecosystems starting from the discovery and strengthening of the territorial vocation

An accelerator: to facilitate the replacement of hierarchies by collaborative models of governance at micro and macro-levels


A new meaning: repurposing to creatively responding to the ecological and economic crises

A place to HR Redesign: a place of opportunity, where faculty and staff can do meaningful work, where their success is supported and their careers can thrive

A Global Market Retargeting: support companies to face new challenges related to the new approach to global markets


A platform for EU project ideas: members from different EU countries active on interlinked topics, with well developed research activities and EU projects track

A permanent office in Brussels: to serve members as contact point with the EC and other EU bodies; to establish collaboration with European associations; to arrange meetings with EC/Agencies officials

A dedicate service for events: kickoff meetings, conferences, stakeholders consultation workshop, training seminars

Inception Plan

The Inception Plan is the integrated project document that identify systemic objectives and stakeholders, their mutual expectations and ability to establish value based synergies. 

The Inception plan highlights the terms of reference for capabilities required and eligibility criteria to reach the desired goals.

Spin System will help you identifying the contexts, the actors to be involved, the priority initiatives, the success criteria and the smart impact factors.

Continuous Improvement

Whether you are an entrepreneur a researcher or an innovation developer we want to support you to improve your ability to reach the capabilities you need be them financials, knowledge, skills, customers or intellectual property.
The Spin System’s Innovation Academy will give you tools to drive innovation in your business and innovation strategies to deal with future challenges

Innovation Partnership

The best innovation teams work together. Today project times are shrinking, and solution time expectations become more and more challenging. We help you to connect with partners from different countries, industries and background so you can find fresh thinking. distinctive Insights and fresh ideas.
Spin System is here to be your innovation hub where you can express your potential at its best.

Working Areas

Digital Transformation

Sustainable Business Modeling

Circular Economy

Bio-economy & Advanced Materials

Security & Emergency Management

Transport & Logistics

Climate & Energy


Lifescience & Healthcare

Culture & Tourism

Public Administration



Gaming Clusters Across Multiple European Regions

GAME-ER is a 36-month research project funded by HORIZON Europe and UKRI, dedicated to understanding the unique dynamics of local and regional video game clusters. We aim to provide policymakers and decision-makers with the knowledge and tools needed to foster thriving video game clusters.


Key Objectives of GAME-ER:

  • Conduct in-depth research on the emergence, development, and sustainability of video game clusters.
  • Develop an Interactive Methodological Toolkit to guide the establishment and growth of video game clusters.
  • Provide evidence-based policy and practical recommendations for local and national policymakers.

Our Partners:

Our consortium consists of 16 partners from 9 countries, bringing together expertise in social sciences, humanities, policymaking, the third sector, business, and innovation.




Solutions to enHance Interfaith protEction of pLaces of worship from terrorist Danger

SHIELD is a project funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund aimed at protecting places of worship from the risks of violent extremism. Implementing risk factors’ analysis, SHIELD is to enhance security postures at places of worship through improving the coordination, cooperation, and communication between law enforcement agencies, public authorities, faith leadership and congregations.

The combination of the Shield protective and risk factors’ analysis brings together stakeholders and target groups to develop new measures to ensure the safeguard of these places and the resilience of believers with different faiths.

SHIELD’s consortium is made up of 18 partners from 10 EU countries, engaged for two years: from January 2022 to December 2023.



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